Marketplace (Drops)

3space is a primary marketplace for discovering and collecting digital art. Ownership can be claimed by buying representative NFTs with cryptocurrencies or fiat. The NFTs will be compatible with secondary marketplaces such as Opensea.

Drops also offer digital frames manufactured by different brands. Purchases can be made using Ethereum, Klaytn, and Korean Won. Bluecanvas digital frames will allow the option to insert NFTs at factory settings.



The marketplace is divided into Features, Featured Artwork, and Drops. Each section contains information about new and upcoming artists, events organized by 3space, and the latest industry news and updates.

'Featured artist' introduces new & upcoming artists and the story behind their creations. Written interviews share personal thoughts and experiences, which may help audiences understand more about the artist and the artwork.

'Events' include exhibitions, events, and collaborations prepared by the 3space team.

A separate 'Feature' page will post the latest news and updates in the industry.


Search and Filter

Offer type, price range, file types, and date minted categorize digital art NFTs in the marketplace.

'Offer type' defines whether it is a generative art, a single edition, or multiple copies

'Price range' will allow collectors to find art according to their budget

'File types' define how the art was created and stored - it can be a still image or photography, a GIF, 3D, or a moving image in video format

'Date minted' refers to when the artwork was converted to an NFT



Collectors can claim NFTs by signing up and entering their wallet address in account settings, or they can use third-party wallets that support Chrome extensions to connect and swap BTC, KLAY, ETH, and Polygon with NFTs. Purchasing digital frames requires signing up to enter the shipping address, but the payment method and process will be identical since each device will have its NFTs to support on-chain transactions.


For fiat payments, 3space will adopt web-based third-party payment gateways, as illustrated below.

NFT Metadata

NFTs listed in the marketplace will contain the following attributes in Metadata JSON files: Artist name, Dimensions, Year Created, Edition, and Description.

An example of JSON file stored on IPFS can be found below:

    "name": "불멍 Campfire",
    "description": "제 작품 \'불멍\'에서는 굳이 다른 행동을 하지 않아도 온전히 그대로의 모습만으로 빛이 나는 요소들을 넣어보려고 했습니다. 불멍의 메인 오브젝트인 \'모닥불\', 그 모닥불을 바라보는 캐릭터의 \'빛나는 눈\', '밤하늘에 떠있는 \'별\', 캠핑트레일러를 장식한 \'꼬마전구\' 등이 그 요소들이 되었습니다. 저는 이런 요소들이 다른 무언가를 하지않아도, 그대로 있어도 빛나는 \'우리\'를 투영하여 보여준다고 생각합니다. 그렇게 작은 \'우리들\'이 모여서 하나의 예쁜 작품을 만들어 나간다는 것이 제 작품의 컨셉이자 의도입니다.",
    "attributes" : [
          "trait_type": "Artist",
          "value": "BAO"
          "trait_type": "Technique",
          "value": "motion graphics"
          "trait_type": "Type",
          "value": "digital original"
          "trait_type": "Inspiration",
          "value": "light"
          "trait_type": "Astro",
          "value": "3SPACE ART"
          "trait_type": "Edition",
          "value": "1/1"
          "trait_type": "Dimension",
          "value": "1920X1080"
          "trait_type": "Rarity",
          "value": "High"
          "trait_type": "YearCreated",
          "value": "2021"

Last updated